A2 Photography Summer Work

Well done on completing your AS Year. I am sure you are looking forward to your holiday and a bit of rest.

It has been a busy year and I hope you will be pleased with your grades. There could be an opportunity to add to your AS work next year. However, there is a lot to achieve during your A2 year and the standards are much higher than AS level.

Your Final A2 is broken up as Follows:

Unit 3 – Worth 60% of your final mark –
This is comprised of:

1.     A Personal Project (Final Piece and Sketch Book) Deadline November 28th 2011.
2.     A 2,000 to 3,000 word essay on a Art/Photography Subject of your choice.
3.     A Mock Exam (Final Piece & Sketch Book) – Paper given out on Monday 28th Nov and All taken in on 27th Feb 2012.

Unit 4 – Worth 40% of your final grade – This is comprised of

1.     A Sketch Book
2.     A final Piece Completed in a 12 hour timed test.

At the moment I just want you to focus on your UNIT 3 Personal project and Essay.

Over the Holidays I want you to do the following tasks.

1.     Get an A3 sketchbook (that one is nice and Easy)
2.  Visit Exhibitions

To expand your knowledge you must visit exhibitions regularly. During the summer I want you to visit at least one major exhibition and collect leaflet so we can discuss it when you return.

London Galleries

The British Library – ‘Out of this World – Science Fiction but not as you know it’

Link -  http://www.bl.uk/whatson/exhibitions/outof/outofthisworld.html

The Photographers Gallery – this is currently closed but will re-open in the autumn – when it is open again you should make a bee line there.

Link - http://www.photonet.org.uk/

The White Chapel Gallery

Sussex Galleries–
 The Del la Warr Pavilion - http://www.dlwp.com/
A beautiful early modernist building (that is great to photograph) with great touring exhibitions.
Their current exhibition is 

The Towner Art Gallery Eastbourne – A great gallery and a great piece of architecture attached to The Congress Theatre in Eastbourne.

 Pallant House in Chichester

These are just suggestions and I am sure you will visit some exhiobtions I have not heard of.

Click here for further gallery listings.

3.  Watch 'The Genius of Photography'.

To help you Expand your knowledge you should be reading magazines and books.

You could try – Aperture, Modern Painters, Freeze or books such as Susan Sontag ‘On Photography’, Geoff Dyer ‘The OnGoing Moment’.

As well as reading (or alternatively) you should watch Art/Photography documentaries. I want you to start with the BBC series ‘The Genius of Photography’ that you can watch here or here.

4. Write 500 words on either an artist from the gallery visit or from watching the documentary.

You will need to do further research to add to what you have gathered. Use the internet or look through the blog to see is there are any ideas that might help you. Follow the links I have included as they are written by wiser people than me.

5. Take Plenty of Photographs (5x films or 5x Digital Photo shoots). 

Your personal project can be about anything - Fashion, Graphic Design, Photojournalism, Photo books, Website Design, or Collage. Instead you might want to choose a theme to explore - Light, Portraiture, Decay, or Beauty etc.

Look at the series section of the delights of seeing for ideas.

You might already have an idea in mind – if so go with it.

You might get an idea from visiting the exhibitions or watching the documentary – you could respond to somebody elses work.

Or if you no idea – just keep photographing – we can come up with a plan when you return. Just do not return empty handed!

6. Print out you photographs.

You should use a mixture of film and digital. If you only use digital it is your responsibility to print them out. You could use Snap fish or other online print services look here.

So to recap I want you to:

· Get an A3 sketchbook

· Visit Exhibitions

· Watch The Genius of Photography.

· Write 500 words on your essay

· Take Plenty of Photographs

· Print out you photographs.
And remember to refer to your exam matrix (this is how we will mark your work.)
